GOV.UK is the new place for corporate and policy information from DSA and the Department for Transport (DfT).
DSA, DfT and the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), along with 2 of DCLG’s public bodies, have become the first central government organisations to move their corporate and policy content onto the new GOV.UK website – the new single home for all government services and information.
Simpler, clearer, faster
The Inside Government section on GOV.UK makes it simpler, clearer and faster to find out:
- how government works
- what the government is doing
- how you can get involved
GOV.UK will continue to link to existing services such as the test booking services with the old colour schemes; these will be updated shortly.
New web addresses
All web addresses have been redirected, so you don’t need to update your bookmarks, but you might want to make a note of the new addresses:
- Driving Standards Agency –
- Department for Transport –
The Inside Government section of GOV.UK has been designed to make government information more easy to find and more transparent for the user. For the first time, you can begin to find out what’s happening inside government all in one place, and in a clear, consistent and transparent format.