Updated guide to the ADI register

The ‘Guide to the approved driving instructor register’ (sometimes called the ‘ADI14’) has been updated.

The guide is now published as a web page on the GOV.UK website, rather than as a PDF. This new format makes it easier to:

see what’s changed – click on the date at the top-right of the page to see a history of the guide

  • get to the information you need – use the interactive contents list on the left of the page
  • find out what acronyms mean – just hover over them to see what they stand for
  • view the guide on mobile devices – the new format is designed to be mobile-friendly

Main changes

We have added:

  • more information about the role and powers of the ADI Registrar
  • links to read about certain topics in more detail, eg the ADI part 1 test
  • separate guides about things like the ADI voluntary code of practice and the rules for observing driving tests so they’re easier to find in search engines like Google

The guide also confirms that the ADI Registrar is acting on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport when they:

  • ask you to give information to register or stay on the register
  • make decisions about your registration